Friday, July 3, 2009

Okay I am a mean bitch!!
My MIL tried to befriend me on facebook again, I still have teh request not knowing what to do with it, I will not befriend her BUT I don't want to hit ignore again and there is the message she sent me saying lets be friends... I can't do it, I just can't there really is too much in the past that I just can't let go of.... The biggest thing is the moving to FL to be with her real grandchildren I will never let go of that no matter what she says like I didn't mean it like that and that I took that statement the wrong way.. well if she didn't mean that then she shouldn't have said that!! Because words have meanings.. I know she feels that way BUT own it, don't try and back peddle just own it you don't like or consider Ricks kids the way you do Krissy's kids no-one is blind we all know the truth so OWN IT!!! There are a LOT of other things too BUT that is the biggest and I will never forget or forgive taht statement because she can hurt my feeling as much as she wants BUT she will NOT make my kids feel bad!!!!! That is NOT OKAY!!
I got off track again!
Anyways don't get me wrong I don't think she really wants to be my friend she just saw my name and thought she should be my facebook friend, and I don't think she will notice that I am not.. I know I mean nothing to her and I know that. I don't want to be her facebook friend or any other type of friend, she is the mother of my husband nothing more nothing less.... And I will not have a relationship with someone who is so mean! She doesn't like me never has never will so lets stop pretending and just own our feeling!!


1 comment:

  1. hugs and prayers. i hear --it is all about the kidlets. my ONE rule was they were never ever put in the middle. of anything. and extended applies. always. thanks for your comment on my blog. tomorrow with be total extended family.
